Feb 12, 2006 - 12:33 PM
News: 2006 Western National races #1 & #2
Get ready because the 2006 season kicks off next weekend in Abbotsford.
The CCA Western National races #1 & #2 go indoor Feb 11th & 12th.
For complete details check out
Cycling BC.
Make sure you have purchased your new 2006 CCA license prior to this event!

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News: Full gate racing makes it's return @ Morley indoor

Fullgate Racing Morley Winter 2006
Jan. 14,28
Feb. 4,18
Mar 10 (Friday)
April 1
Final April 14 (Friday)

-Series is for all riders 13 and over
-all bikes allowed
-$10.00 Entry
-Cash payout 
-a rider must participate in a least o­ne race during the season to race the final

*** The purpose of this series is to give all of our older riders experience racing with full gates, semis and mains. All riders will be expected to follow all racing rules, please be respectful of your fellow racers and have fun***

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Calendars: 2006 Alberta Cup Series & Provincial Championships

2006 Alberta Cup Series

Best 3 of 6 Plus Finals

Click here for complete schedule

2006 Alberta Provincal Championships

This is a o­ne day age group race for a Provincial age group champion title.

Calgary September 17

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News: Sam Cools wins ABA Grands and overall

TitleGirlPro-4x6.jpg (110800 bytes)Sam Cools of Airdrie AB added her second overall title in a spectacular end to the season this weekend in Tulsa Oklahoma.
Sam won the NBL overall title last month and had a near perfect season with a strong showing but some bad luck at the UCI World Championships in Paris France.
Quite the list of accomplishments for the first year elite/pro rider.

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News: 2006 ABA Canadian National Series

By ABA Staff- Gilbert, Arizona

The American Bicycle Association is pleased to announce the 2006 Canadian National

Championship Series sponsored by GT, Mongoose, Schwinn, FLY Racing and Tangent.

Their participation will make the 2006 Series the best ever. This year the Canadian

National Title Chase will be exciting as the #1 Amateur, #1 Girl and #1 Pro will each

receive an awesome Freestyle Mountain Bike. These great awards retail for over

$1,000.00 CAD.

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November – 2005

  • *NEW RULES FOR 2006

For complete details click read more below 

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News: Abbotsford Indoor set to Rock!

Abbotsford Indoor Open For Biz....Winter Biz, that is! -

Abbotsford Indoor BMX
(CCA SANCTIONED) opens Nov. 11, Friday evening racing at 7pm.

We will again be having lots of clinics, (beginners/ expert camps/ women o­nly /these will be posted o­n site.) 

Our schedule for the first of three openings starts like this. - Nov. 1 Friday 7pm- opening race; - Nov. 12 Sat. race - Nov. 13 Sunday race - Nov.18 Friday evening race - Nov. 19 Sat. race - Nov. 20 Sunday race;

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News: New BMX Canada Forum up and running!
With so many hacking problems lately, the BMX Canada Forum was deactivated.

We updated the software and changed over to a newer more secure forum that will hopefully resolve our problems.
Everyone will have to register with a valid e-mail and security code to use a unique username.

Please check out the new Forum here.

bmxcanada.ca admin

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News: CDN BMX Training Program

The Olympic Oval BMX Program welcomes athletes aged 12 & older who are committed to achieving success at National,World Championship, and Olympic level competitions.

This program uses the most advanced technology, sports science, and coaching tools, including nutrition analysis and sports psychology to maximize fitness and prepare athletes for the BMX racing season
The Olympic Oval’s world class facility owns and operates its own UCI indoor starting gate. The BMX program includes indoor gate practice, strength conditioning, fitness, and agility training. Athletes receive an annual periodized training program that integrates the Indoor BMX racing series, winter training camps and travel to NBL, ABA, and UCI races.

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Worlds: 2005 UCI Worlds wrap up
UCI Worlds

Cruiser results:
Peter Jensen WORLD CHAMPION 45+ !!!!!
Way to Go Peter!
Tory Nyhaug 3rd 13-14
Samantha Cools 5th 19+

20 Inch
Tory Nyhaug 13 year old boys WORLD CHAMPION!

Here is a small video clip
of Ken Cools from practice.The track is small and tight and led to some very intense racing.

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News: Joe Kid On A StingRay

Check out the updated Movie Trailer from the new independent film "Joe Kid o­n A StingRay.
This looks like an excellent history of BMX and  how the sport was started. It is always fun to take a look back in time and remember where we came from.

View Trailer Here

This is out o­n the net for people to check it out. If you are a bmx nut or a bmx rider, "This o­ne is for you".....

This trailer shows some good history of BMX. It shows a good time line from racing to freestyle. It also shows a good hand full of some of the older riders from back in the days - A trip back in to time...
Quotes from - Bob Hadley, Bob Haro, David Clinton, Perry "PK" Kramer, Scot Breithhaupt, John Palfeyman, Harry Leary, Stu Thomsen, Rick Twomey, Greg Hill, and lots more............
Its worth a look at it , that is, if you have the time to download.

PLEASE NOTE: By clicking o­n this URL link it is a down load to a ( .MOV file ) and it is BIG!
If you are still in the ice age (or o­n the road) and run a 56K modem - It can take over 2 hrs to down load this, But it is worth the time.

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News: Stompin Stu Interview
NewsAny of you old schoolers will love this interview with legendary Stu Thompson o­n Redline Bicycles.
Into his late 40's and still racing!

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News: CDN BMX Racing Video

Justin Gundlock has put together a DVD of races from the 2004 season.

-The Video consists of all third round motos of almost every age group, from the Pocket rockets to the Masters Cruisers, from Novice to Pro

-Races covered: Lethbridge AB Cup #1, Ridge Meadows Canada Cup #4, Medicine Hat AB Cup #5 (Canada Cup Final included in bonus section), and Calgary AB Cup Finals

-Includes bonus section with: Crash Section, Medicine Hat Canada Cup Final, and Photos

-Totals around 2 hours and 15 minutes of racing!

Cost is 20$

Click here for a preview

To purchase, contact Justin at

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Worlds: 2007 World Championships Awarded to..... Canada!!!!!
UCI Worlds


The UCI's Management Committee, currently meeting in Salzburg, Austria awarded today, the organization of the UCI BMX 2007 world Championships to the Canadian city of Victoria

Courtesy of UCI Press Service

For the Canadian Press release please click read more

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Nanaimo BMX Paves The Way
NewsThe Nanaimo BMX Association of British Columbia has joined the ranks of Canadian BMX tracks with paved corners!   For more pix, go to the Nanaimo BMX website 'May 13 Paving' page, by clicking o­n the photo;Photo By Randy Little

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